Tuesday, December 11, 2007

cluttered-part 1

exhibition catalogue as a valuable/sacred form of documentation of artist works?

Collecting exhibition catalogue especially one that is from the artist's solo exhibition became a necessity due to the limited resources of credible documentation of local artist works. This week alone, i've got hold of two catalogue; Juliana Yasin's and Joshua Yang (JY= coincidentally similar shortforms).The excitement to read the two catalogues; with the hope of having a glimpse understanding of what they are doing is the current motivation. This is often followed by the urgent need and thirst to do artworks (especially for one whose attention span is extremely short).More often than not, these catalogues will be re-read over and over again sometime later (maybe 4 or 5 months later). For the very basic reason to try to re-capture the essence of the work again.

A complicated and ever-changing process and maybe this is due to one's unfixed and cluttered mind.

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